Felt Fall Garland with Fabric Pom Pom DIY
Fall is indeed my favorite season … Love to bring those colors into my home decor , don’t you? Garlands are my favorite right after pumpkins of course to decorate my house with. When I think fall I think felt, yarn and fabric. Garlands are perfect to decorate your dough bowl, fireplaces or simply loosely tied around vases. Today I like to put some of my felt balls and leftover fabric to use. We may even try to decorate garland with fun fabric rag pom-pom. Are you ready to have fun fall crafting with me ? Let’s make easy fall garland!
Supplies needed to make Felt Garland with Fabric Pom-Pom
Let’s begin our fun garland project and gather all together! All those colors scream fall for me

As you can see I have big mix of fall colors here on my hand so I decided to start to thread my felt balls in the pattern of shapes but in different colors just for fun

I am actually pretty happy with how my garland looks so now it is time to add some details at the end of it it. You could of course decorate that with leaves or tassels but today I like to end my fun looking garland with Pom Pom! I have made lots of them out of different materials and today I like to show you how to make one out of fabric scraps
Felt balls pattern

There are lots of way to make your pom-poms but I like to use this little inexpensive gadget. It makes Perfect Pom Poms!! You can get that machine at any craft stores …Check my aff. link HERE

How to make fabric Rag Pom Pom
Some of you may already know how to use this machine but I like to take my time and recap that technique with you. Have to admit I had no clue when I got it how to go about it .. so here it goes

- Pom Pom maker comes with 2 sets of movable wings as I call it so to begin you need to open one set as it shows in the picture above. As you can see I have all different thickness of fabric here …. thin cotton, drop cloth and even sheer fabric. Fabric Pom Poms actually look super cute when different textures are used

- start to wrap your fabric on each arm holding it together. No need to tie anything. I like to start with thickest material first followed by sheer and then my gentle splash of color fabric that mimics my garland color palette. Make sure to wrap tight

- close one arm when finished and open another one to wrap again. This time I like to do that in opposite way since I like my color to be distributed through my rag Pom Pom

As you can see it is a small hot mess but that is ok. My fabric is twisted and uneven but that is actually perfect …TRUST ME
Let’ finish fabric rag Pom Pom

- hold tight and cut in the sides. It is actually super easy sine set of those wings create nice indent so it is smooth and even cut.

I am always mesmerized when I see bits of fabric or yarn puffing up as I cut …What a cute site …lol

- When all is cut take a piece of thread or yarn and secure your Pom Pom really tight. Place your thread in the ridge your were following to cut.

- when all is secured open your wings up and separate them by simply pulling them apart. It is like opening a jar … Hold circles and pull them apart

and our perfect fabric Pom Pom is ready !!! eAsy right ?

Secure your Pom Pom with thread to your garland and you are done! I like to add a tiny bow with tying thread.

Just because I like to change things up the other side of my felt fall garland will be decorate with simple tassel made out of the same material my Pom Pom was made.

voila !!!! Garland is done !!! love love love how all turned out!! My fabric Pom Pom is matching perfectly !!Who would of thunk it …lol

Perfect felt fall garland … don’t you think so ?

I so hope that you are going to try to make those awesome garlands

Making garlands is so much fun. HERE is my decoupaged version. It is for sure my favorite way . It is a must try project

Time for some photos
I am giving you a fair warning I will be trying decorate and take pictures of my fall garland before it lands in its perfect place

Wooden bead pumpkin actually looks pretty good with my new felt garland. Full directions on how to make one you can find HERE

I just cant get over all that fluffiness in the fabric Pom Pom !!! It is simply perfect! Some color is showing but not a lot and my felt balls still are visible!

it literally fits anywhere I place my new garland!! Couldn’t be more happy that simple easy fall project changes all

I cant wait to see how my felt fall garland will look near my fall leaves bouquet of roses that I made recently!

They will for sure look awesome with some fall decor in this faux stone bowl I made. Check all details HERE
Directions on how to make them can be found HERE

Fall leaves can be easily preserved for the longest time… All directions can be found HERE

If you like me and love some garlands check more ideas HERE from My Eclectic Treasures

Making pom-poms is so much fun even as an adult! Check all ideas HERE
