How to Make a Jute Rope Mirror-DIY

Using mirrors as decorations is a very creative way to decorate your home because unlike the standard wall art, they create a sense of movement in the room. Their content changes based on the location from which you observe them. But if the mirror itself looks like art, then you have got a candidate for a decoration that each of the rooms in your home needs to have.
I’ve been seeing lots of nautical rope mirrors lately. Most of them cost a pretty good chunk of change so I decided to make my own!
On my last trip to Target I spotted $5 mirror with the wooden rim so without having a plan then, I got it! Love to shop those clearance isles for some treasures I can use in my DIY’s.
Thing you need to complete projects:
Manila jute rope – It is a big roll! I made so far 2 projects out of that roll. Check one of them here
Mirror – mine was from Target but Amazon have them too!
Hot glue gun with some glue sticks

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