Dollar Tree Mini Wreath JOY Sign -DIY
Well, we are done with Halloween so it is time to switch gears a bit and start to gather some ideas to do some holiday crafting . Dollar Tree is my favorite place to shop for my Christmas crafts. Few days ago while shopping in I found awesome picture frames. I knew that I can make something cool with that. It took a while but all came together last night as I was crafting with my awesome buttons! I wanted to make a mini button wreath ornament with them and BOOM – Christmas sign idea become alive! Let’s use wreath in place of “O” in the JOY sign. Lucky for me I always buy groups of items that I like at the Dollar Tree.
Check those Dollar Tree picture frames! Aren’t they cute? Have you seen them already? It is a mini clipboard with corrugated metal in the the background. Don’t you just love it?

Have you seen already my post with button Christmas ornament? If not click HERE TO SEE IT .
Supplies needed to make a Christmas JOY sign
- Picture frames ( any at Dollar Tree would do if you can’t find those galvanized
- Letters each craft has those 3 inch letters
- Buttons
- Wire -thin gardening wire will do ( wire metal hanger from cleaners will work too)
- Hot Glue gun and glue sticks
- Ribbon
I am positive you have seen those JOY signs everywhere but that is ok ….I have seen them too….ha ha ha. There are million people working on Dollar Tree Christmas Craft everyday. I am going to show you my version. Not trying to re-invent the wheel but simply having fun crafting and adding some homemade decor pieces.
So let’s begin our Dollar Tree Craft
Have to admit that JOY sign wasn’t my original plan when I started. I wanted to make another ornament out of buttons. I wanted to make mini button Christmas Wreath ornament. Sometimes I make million loops before I make final decisions.
That is how all started … piece of wire twisted into circle shape. Don’t need to worry about being straight because all will straight up at the end by itself

Pick you buttons and start to “sandwich” them around wire. I was trying to use same size buttons for my base as you can see on the picture below. Place your button under wire

Apply small amount of hot glue over it and quickly cover it with another button … I call it sandwiching ..ha ha ha

Continue that all around. Have you noticed that our circle is almost perfect and all that wire mess is hidden?

You could leave it the way it is or just like me start to add second layer of mini buttons. I wanted my wreath to be bit thicker for what I had in mind.

As you can see button wreath ornament looks a bit fuller right now and that is what I like. I thought that big button on the top will be a perfect place for a bow! What do you think?

I think Criss-Cross Bow will be perfect for that mini button Christmas Wreath. Check out this video below for quick tutorial.
Criss-Cross Bow video tutorial
Trim your edges nicely and we are done with it

My mini button wreath ornament looks awesome as I planned, don’t you agree? All you need is to attach a wire or extend ribbon so you can easy tie it to the tree branch. Don’t have tree up yet but I do have some branches.

It does look really good! I am going for sure make more of those! Who doesn’t love Dollar Tree Christmas Crafts?

JOY Christmas SIGN
As I mentioned before size of that mini wreath triggered idea of a Christmas JOY sign too, so let’s see how that will work with what we have here. Need to find my letters that I know I bought while back

I am so pleased that my mini wreath fits almost perfectly into that mini clipboard Dollar Tree frame. Found some letters at home… wish they were bigger but for now it is fine.

It is time to style my frames ! Love that portion of crafting! Frames are not only mini clipboards… they have a stand too! So happy that I have options!

Decisions, decisions, decisions … Which one is your favorite layout?

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You may like to check my other Christmas projects that I posted on my site.There are TONS out there posted. Just type CHRISTMAS in a search bar and they all will show up. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to stay in the loop! We are posting few times a week new projects.

This Snowflake blocks are my favorite to decorate with. Click HERE for full tutorial
Easy Gnome Christmas Ornament-DIY

Don’t you just love to make signs? HERE is full tutorial
Pom-Pom Christmas Tree -DIY

Find out even more Dollar Tree Christmas Inspiration HERE

Mary K Wirt Wilkinson
Love these button crafts. Will definitely try them.