Simple Fabric Pumpkin – DIY
There are so many fabric pumpkins tutorials on line. I have made so many pumpkins already but never tried the one with fabric. Every time I had a minute to work on them there was s something I was missing to make one! Today is not any different…ha ha ha. I am done postponing that project so I am going to make one with what I have.
Things you need
- fabric of course
- hot glue gun
- some ribbon and of course raffia
- sticks
- spanish moss
Just because my fabric pumpkin is NOT going to be the one you expect ( I am missing again filling …oops) I am going to recycle my Paint Stir Sticks project for my purpose. You can check tutorial on that HERE
How to use Paint Stir Sticks in your Home Decor

This is the board I made and it will be really helpful with my new idea
You can make your own as I did or use other wood board. Ok, let’s start to make our pumpkin! As you can see I have a nice buffalo check fabric ( they are actually my pants … ha ha ha, that it is time to use for projects)

All what I did is cut around 6 -3 “wide strips out of my pants. That will be enough for now I think. Twirl your strips of fabric as you hot glue them to the board in the circular shape to form our pumpkin. Easy right?

Easy Rustic Fall decor diy

Original plan was to do just one pumpkin but again I am adding more. This time I am going to use some rope of different sizes.

Little sticks from the yard and our fabric pumpkins start to take a shape. Love it!

Tiny pumpkin wasn’t easy to make. I didn’t want to burn my fingers with hot glue so I used a scrap of burlap and twirl my thin rope on it. All what you have to do is to cut its shape out and glue to our board.
I think 3 fabric pumpkins will be enough for the size of our board so let’s accessorize them!

Nice piece of burlap or wide ribbon with raffia is really working nice! Don’t you think so?

Little bit of a Spanish moss, some Dollar Tree clip on leaves and I think we are done! What do you think about my idea of fabric pumpkin?

My board was a bit long so piece of the pallet wood with metal cutout on it beautifully finished my project!

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Check all these fall ideas from the scraps HERE

Check HERE how you can turn pumpkin to double sided fall fun

These beauties are must to make. See more details HERE

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