Vintage Star Christmas Ornament – DIY
I am slowly getting into a Christmas mood BUT my tree will not be out yet for few weeks. As always this project happened by accident. My coffee spilled all over my daughter beauty supplies exactly cotton balls so I started to brain storm…How can I use them in my crafting. Coffee Dipped cotton balls screamed Vintage ornaments. Star ornament sounded so tempting since I already purchased from Dollar Tree star cutouts.
So let’s see what we can do! I am really hopeful that it will look good and I will be able to use in my Christmas decor this year.
Things you need to create a Vintage looking Star
- cotton balls
- star cutout ( I purchased mine at The Dollar Tree)
- Mod- Podge
- some decor items (optional)
My cotton balls that coffee spilled on originally are still drying so I decided to control spill my coffee all others so it dries faster. To make less mess this time I decided to contain my cotton balls in a small box

Paint brush is really helpful in that process so coffee stains are evenly applied and not soaking my cotton balls that much.

It didn’t take that long for them to dry so we can begin. I am so excited to see how they will come out!
Let the fun begin … Let’s make Christmas ornament

To make our cotton balls look less obvious and more interesting stretching them out a bit will hopefully achieve that look I am going after.

I decided to use a Mod-Podge to secure my cotton balls into star cutout. Mod-Podge dries fairly quick too. As you work your way around your shape make sure to hold on to edges really close so nothing is exposed.

And we are done! It didn’t take longer then 10 minutes to finish. Love to work on Christmas craft. I am so pleased with the way it turned out! Love that vintage look of my coffee dipped cotton ball star now. What do you think? Should we decorate more? I know mini lights will look awesome on it but I don’t have them handy now. Let’s figure something else we can do to bring even more that vintage feel to our star ornament.

As I was going through my craft box i noticed a star that I purchased at the Dollar Tree …real sparkly star that I love the shape of. I am not really a fan of the color but that is easy to fix. Spray paint hopefully will help. Love love shape of that star!
Let’s decorate our Vintage Christmas Star Ornament

Spraying star with that amount of glitter is not easy. Last thing you want is saturated in paint look of it. My plan was to keep that star white with some of beige from coffee stain to show through. My plan is to spray paint gently white just to cover blue on my star and just delicately touch with gold shimmer paint

I think I achieved that look …What do you think?

What do you think? I love that star with small bling on it. Can’t stop looking at it!

As I was working on my star I see that my daughter did her own too. So now we have 2 and a little tree! Love it!! Can’t wait to get some lights on them. Stay tuned I will be sharing that soon.

Here are some other Vintage looking ornaments that I enjoy making .. FULL TUTORIAL CAN BE FOUND HERE

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Elegant Christmas Ornaments DIY
Reverse Canvas Moss Christmas Tree- DIY
This project was inspired by The Shabby Tree.