10 Creative DIY Ideas Using Dollar Tree Pumpkin Wreath Forms for Fall Decor
If you’re looking for affordable ways to craft stunning fall décor, the Dollar Tree pumpkin wreath form is your new best friend! With a little creativity, this versatile form can be transformed into a wide range of DIY projects, from rustic wreaths to elegant centerpieces. In this post, we’ll explore 10 creative ideas to turn a simple pumpkin wreath form into stylish and unique fall decorations. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just starting out, these budget-friendly projects will help you add a cozy, autumnal touch to your home without breaking the bank. Let’s dive into the inspiration!

I bet you know that wreath from your trips to Dollar Tree. Got that pumpkin wreath a long time ago but just didn’t get around to work with it till recently . Stumbled on it as I was organizing my craft area. If you follow me for some time you do know I love to craft with paper and things around the house.
So I thought it would be fun to use some paper on it . I always loved details so decided to weave my brown paper bags right on it. But you can use tissue paper too to make things easier since it is softer

Love crafting with paper. See one of my book page wreaths HERE
Dollar Tree Pumpkin wreath form idea
Let’s star with the latest I made .. I made one using brown paper bags that we bring our groceries home

Just because I was using big brown paper bag I decided to cut around 3 inch long strips and wrinkle them to bring some interest

Let the weaving begin. If you have never weave before I can tell you it is super easy. My mama used to say whatever is on top it goes under in the next row. So as you can see I started to weave in between pumpkin wreath form bars horizontally. See picture showing first 2 rows

So now it is time to add some brown paper strips to vertical lines .. I decided to only do 4 in the middle to begin with so it is easier since I am not using any hot glue at this time . We will need it later. I was on the mission to cover those vertical bars exposed in the horizontal weaving in the 2 rows I made. So again cover portion of vertical bar with paper and then go under where is covered

When you get few horizontal rows pattern start to make sense . All is loose but it is easy to shift all up when enough rows are added horizontally

When all rows are filled vertically and horizontally with brown paper strips it is time to bring hot glue and wrap leftover pieces that stick out under and secure them with hot glue for the clean look

To make things look good I decided to braid some thinner strips of brown paper and install around on paremeter of my Dollar Tree pumpkin wreath form

How cool it looks now .. Love how much interest brown paper brought to my pumpkin. Super unique fall decor using my pumpkin wreath form .

I decided to add some white wash to mine to bring that weathered wood look. To protect my paper I decided to add some wax to it too so it can handle weather conditions outside my doors
Absolutely love its unique very organic feel .

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Other ideas for your Dollar Tree Pumpkin Wreath Form
If you go on Pinterest you will find so many other ideas. So let me list some of my favorite below

How cool is this one !! It is ready for purchase too. See HERE

Here is another fun way to decorate those pumpkin wreaths. Grab old sweater and stretch all around .. How clever is that

How elegant are those !! See details HERE

Barbara from Shabby Tree decorated her wreath form with paper too. See all details HERE

So many ways to weave around those bars. Found this one ready for sale on Etsy HERE

Got some mesh ribbon ? Check this pumpkin wreath HERE

Very elegant way to decorate this form. See details HERE

I surprised to find out how many creative ideas are there .. Isn’t this scarecrow the cutest? Yes it is made out of pumpkin wreath form.

As we at the characters .. check out this snowman made out of that pumpkin wreath. Unfortunately there is no instructions that I can share here with you. I may even try to make one too to have it out there

I was shocked to find this idea .. Super cool for your centerpiece .. Its a pumpkin carriage !! Again no directions but I can see all is Dollar Tree.. those little wheels are paper towel holders from Dollar Tree .. How cool ! I would most likely leave them off but love idea

But if you can’t find those forms.. Check out this adorable pumpkin you can make out of regular round wreath form .. See all details HERE