How to Make Fun Wooden Snowflake
Let’s make some snowflakes out of wood! yes out of wood ! Super excited about this project and so hope you will too. No heavy duty powerful tools are needed. Wooden snowflakes are so easy to make that i think I will decorate my tree outside the house with some Christmas lights. Are you ready some winter holiday crafting? Grab some paint stir sticks from your local Home Depot for a dollar for package of 10 and let’s make easy wooden snowflake.
Supplies needed to make Christmas wooden snowflake
- 3 paint stir sticks .. that means one package will make you 3 and a half snowflakes
- jenga blocks
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- some paint
Let’s go to work and make a wooden snowflake
Let’s gather some materials and start a project . Are you ready to have fun just with wooden paint stir sticks and some hot glue? Love love love that project .

I chose to paint my paint stir sticks and jenga blocks dark brown in leftover paint I had on my desk but you can paint any color you like that fits your decor.

Love my colors now! Why dont we plan my paint stir sticks snowflake. They way I usually start is by creating cross and and then adding one more paint stir stick in the middle. I always try to make sure that they are roughly positioned in the same distance so our wooden Christmas snowflake looks good.

My goal was to fill those in between paint stir sticks spaces with jenga blocks. This is the step where little bit of E6000 and hot glue

I like to have some more of dimension on my wooden snowflake so I decided add some more to the front so my projects looks good on both sides.

All those jenga blocks that I added are nicely secured with half wooden ball. My intention was to leave my snowflake brown but as I was glueing all some of the hot glue oozed out so now I need to cover all up. So if you follow me for some hot minute you know I love to crackle. Love its look but very often use it to hide some imperfections.

Check here all details how I get anything to crackle with Elmers glue
Quick tips to perfect crackle
My favorite combination is darker background covered with lighter paint as top coat.
- apply thin amount of Elmers glue and dry a bit till it is still tacky
- apply your top coat paint with soft brush without mixing with glue
- dry and observe all details forming

Just because I love to keep my wooden snowflake rustic my top coat of white paint is applied here and there not really worrying how good is my paint coverage

My snowflake looks perfect for my winter holiday crafting details. A bit of paint spilled on sides so I decided to dry brush a bit my sites

As we anything that I lately do .. some bling always ends up on my project so its time to use diamond dust! Get yours HERE .

Thin amount of Mod Podge gets things done … Can you see that beautiful sparkle ?

Love to craft paint stir sticks. They make awesome background to any projects. Details of that project can be found HERE
Love everything about my star.. check out this beautiful crackle accented with some diamond dust! Love it

Check out my paint stir sticks lantern I made last year HERE

Here is a a video RECAP of this easy wooden snowflake

How cool is this snowflake sign? Another super easy project. You can read about it HERE

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