Fall Watercolor Pumpkin Patch Pop Up Painting Class
Happy to introduce to my page a Virtual Painting parties. Super excited about this new adventure! but before we go there let’s start from the beginning
How this all started
I have always wanted to know how to paint and tried few times but I wasn’t too happy with my paintings even though I had a great time doing it. Those paint parties that I attended locally were simply so much fun! Not only that I was learning more about something I always wanted to do.. I also had fun with friends and learning from their mistakes too in the painting journey.
As you know Covid put us all in a lockdown and in my case without much of crafting supplies to keep my mind occupied. All I had was couple basic paint colors , some jute , burlap and thank Goodness hot glue and some glue sticks and lots and lots of cardboard boxes and brown paper.
I knew I wasn’t alone so I thought it would be great idea to show on my page that you can have so much fun with every day items in the creative process. I started to go live on my Facebook page showing you all what my Mom taught me… that means creating out of nothing and having fun with it.
Here are some of my first projects I made with you on my page
You can also read more ABOUT ME HERE
Believe it or not ..
I had no clue what Dollar Tree was .. I didn’t even know I had one not too far from me. Crafting with you all on my page was soo much fun … I had a chance to refresh all those crafting sessions that I had with my Mom. Super grateful for that
We have made flowers out of paper, book pages and of course coffee filters too. Love making flowers out of all materials even from egg cartons! Check some below. Hope those projects got you inspired to create.
Flowers are my thing .. especially from coffee filters that we all have
All that I have done on my page was because all of you .. You let me create and you also created with me .. you were so encouraging all the time and I know you were creating with me
Let’s get to the point…
Thanks to you I felt comfortable to go back to canvas … I so missed my local painting gatherings with my friends so I was on the mission to try it with you all LIVE on my page. I thought I can handle. This teal pumpkin pushed my buttons and woke me up … How much I enjoyed painting. Yes I was only coloring but still super happy with it. I loved it so much and I know you did too so we made that mixed media pumpkin patch together with shading and all
and then it was this pumpkin and sunflower straight on the plain canvas ! and let me tell you … I am still super happy with it even though I don’t own them any more. They were offered for auction on my page.
I have heard since then many stories from you all on my page and privately thanking me for opening a new doors to something they love now. All what I like to say TO THEM IS TO THANK YOU for letting me explore and learn together. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT TOO ! I am not any artist or anything like that but I so love to get lost in the painting world. Love to learn new techniques and apply them every day better and better into my projects.
I am still painting here and there on my page but most of our paintings happen in the Sassy Creative Club so make sure to JOIN US THERE It is a club that we challenge ourselves all the time. Watercolor seemed to be something we so love so much. We learned together so much and now I am on the mission to introduce a beautiful world of watercolor to you starting from basics. They way I learned. That means playing with puddles as I call them. I promise you will love it
Achieving depth and all shading is soo much fun as you watercolor. I have shared some of my watercolor paintings with videos on my page.
Watercolor pumpkin patch POP UP CLASS
Would love to show you what I learned and teach you to successfully applied into your paintings. I promise you will enjoy it

Learn from me basics of watercolor that works! Hand on instruction. Let’s paint this whimsical pumpkin together. If you know how to hold a brush you are all set
No experience necessary.
Class will take place on Facebook in the private group on Saturday August 28,2021 at 8PM EST
If you cant make it to live class it is ok instructions will be there and I will be also available to answer any questions you may have after. I so want you to have awesome experience and learn how to shade your paintings with watercolor.
Let’s have fun and get to know each other in our watercolor adventure ! Cant wait to see you there !
Sign up HERE for pop up Watercolor class
Make sure to join our Facebook group below
Super excited to have fun with you !
See you there !

Lori Morin
Hi my dear friend where do I go to join the pop up water paint class, I’m confused. Thank you
you are in already i saw you in the group 🙂
Sandra Kay Potter
I am really confused. I paid my $10 and I ordered my supplies from Amazon. I already follow you on Facebook and love the things you create. I’m not sure how to join the group and I don’t see anything on this page, which I was directed to, to get a ticket??? Please help me by explaining what I am doing wrong. Thanks, Sandy
Link to the group is on the bottom of my blog post or on my Facebook page .. So happy you joined us
Do I need a watercolor pad? Can a canvas be used instead?
watercolor pad is the preference but canvas will work too