Vintage Angel Wings
If you follow me for some time you do know I love texture and I love to mix thing and techniques together. So this project is all about that! Love to explore a beautiful world of unknown. Let’s gather some molds and see what we can do. It is time to put some molds I have to use and create vintage angel wings wall decor. Let’s put texture crackle paste to use in this project. Distressed texture angel wings. Are you ready for some Mixed media art like project?

Supplies needed for distressed texture angel wings diy
- flat surface canvas
- molds
- texture paste
- blending brushes
- distress oxide ink pad color Tattered rose
- BLING – flat CROWN

Love making angels out of different materials as much as making angels wings. Make sure to check this glass angel HERE
How to make vintage like distressed angel wings wall decor DIY
As we everything that I work on i like to have have a subtle details all over that work together vs fight. If you follow me for some time you do know I love to crackle and I am pretty good getting one with Elmers glue or Mod Pogde. Make sure to check that tutorial HERE

This time I wanted to give a try a Tom Holtz texture crackle paste. Keeping in mind that crackle needs to have a dark background I decided to loosely paint (that means not good )my canvas with metallic Glorious Gold.

Angel Wings Molds
As all was dried I decided to apply my distress paste with palette knife again super loosely keeping some areas with thinner amount of it and some bit thicker. Picture really shows it all

According to directions on container everything needs to dry for 20 min for crackle to show. It was perfect for me since I had to fill my angel wings molds with hot glue, Make sure to grab those molds HERE
Those molds are awesome.. You could, of course fill them out with clay or salt dough . Check my recipe HERE. My favorite almost instant way to create quick design is hot glue.

Check out this distress texture that happened ..wow .. how pretty!! Perfect mixed media art!

Love it all so it is time to distress even more my canvas. Time to put my ink pads Distress Oxide in pink and grey into use. My blending brushes are perfect for this job. My goal was to mostly keep darker on the edges with a bit of pink in the middle. Make sure to watch video below to see how I go there.

Another detail to my vintage wall decor are wings. Not going to lie I have tried to distress them as I did my canvas with crackle paste and I love it!
Let’s work on wings

Check out how beautiful those wings are. Don’t you just love its vintage feel? I get so excited as all comes together so smoothly.

If you follow me for some time you do know that I like to mix all into my projects. Love mixed media. Since I was working recently on some Valentine’s Day decor I spotted some hearts ornaments in my tray. At first I loved its bright red color. Little bit of bling and all seemed to be almost done…. too easy for me ..lol

Just because I didn’t like for wings to show its connection so simple bow was the way to cover all

I so love some sparkle so decided to cover all gently with mod podge and sprinkle some diamond dust all over. What a difference it made. Grab your jar of that gorgeous sparkle HERE

Don’t you get upset with me .. I do like me some red but for my projects white heart of course with sparkle was looking better. Guess what time to paint again.

Let’s not forget about some diamond dust

Here is a recap of my Vintage angel wings wall decor in a video.
Wish my light was better but trust me this project came out beautiful. Check all this crackle, all those details that work together. Don’t you agree? That texture made with crackle paste look like porcelain .. Love it

If you love mixed media art. I like me you may want to check this project HERE Dollar tree vase transformations are my favorite! Don’t you love to work with them ?

Angel wings are so much fun to make . Must see this project HERE
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